Upcoming events

It has been too long since my last post. However, there have been quite a few developments since the last update.

First of all, a very intensive final class has now been completed. With that said school is over and the intention is using the extra time and some of the knowledge gained to further the mission of The Ezekiel 33 Project. Just because things have been quiet on the blog, does not mean that things have been sitting still. There have been two developments that have happened since the turn of the year everyone should know about.

First, on August 23-24 we will be at the Tru Church Ministry Conference in the Oklahoma City area. We will be there and participating in some of the sessions available. This is not a lectureship or a collection of sermons, but rather a conference where those delivering the message are involved in the ministry they are speaking about. There will be two sessions. The idea behind the presentations is risk and opportunity. There are risks because of the world we live in today and we must do what we can to prevent abuse in our churches and beyond. With the risk, we know that not all abuse can be prevented. It is because of that fact that there are opportunities that exist for those churches who make it a point to be survivor friendly.

Second will be at the Harding University Bible Lectureships held from September 29 through October 2, 2019 in Searcy Arkansas. Bobby Ross Jr. with the Christian Chronicle will be hosting two panel discussions on sexual abuse this year and The Ezekiel 33 Project will be there. This will be an opportunity to hear from different individuals who work in the ministry of prevention and advocacy.

With this new-found freedom we will be seeking out additional opportunities to work with different congregations to help them understand the risks, take preventative measures, and when abuse occurs, how handle the abuse in such a way that cares for the survivor rather than the predator. If you know of a congregation or youth organization that would be interested in discussions like this please send them our way.

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